Now offering the world’s most advanced Epigenetic Test!

Discover how old You REALLY are with TruAge™ - as a part of your

Performance and Lifestyle optimization program

What is TruAge™

TruAge™ is the most accurate, revolutionary, biological age predictor. Biological age is a measurement of your age, based on various biomarkers.
Using state-of-the-art technology and a powerful algorithm, we are able to look at specific locations on your DNA, allowing us to predict your biological age!
TruAge™ is now available through Saga Performance and delivered straight to your doorstep!

How can I Determine my Biological Age?

Everyone knows their chronological age. Chronological age is the number of candles that are on top of your cake and the birthdays you celebrate (or sometimes don’t!). However, developments in science have created another measurement of age called biologic or epigenetic age. Unlike chronological age, this measurement of age is based on years of statistical research and provides much more relevant health information. It can tell us how healthy you are and even when you might pass away. TruAge™ uses biomarkers on your DNA called methylation.

All you have to do is send us a small blood sample!

Your biological age is more accurate at predicting health span (how healthy you are) and lifespan (how long you will live) than any previous molecular biomarker, and can be correlated to almost any health factor such as physical fitness, socioeconomic status, and drug use history. Ideally, everyone would want their biological age to be less than their chronological age. This means that you are living a lifestyle that is healthy and will help you stay free of sickness and disease longer! If you could reverse your risk of age-related disease and avoid sickness, wouldn’t you want to know how?

Reveal Your TruAge

Please note

We do not sell or deliver reports without an interpretation meeting with you as a part of your program. We work with a systems approach to life and performance. Your lifestyle, your behaviors have an impact on your methylation, your genetics and your overall wellbeing.

I have had the privilege to collaborate and be coached by Satu Ahlman for several months, where we’ve been working together by evaluating broadly my current lifestyle, diet, sleep, level of activity and stress management, all this with the additional information gathered by analyzing my genetic data. I have been able to understand and start paying more attention to the most important factors of my individual well-being and health. It has been valuable to have a better understanding which pieces of my puzzle have not been that optimal until now. I give my high recommendation to this type of coaching for anyone interested to make some, or many, improvements for your well-being.
— M.L., Executive Director, Finland
This stuff is really cool! For me, it was very interesting and insightful. I would really recommend this to anyone who is interested in learning, growing, and optimizing one’s lifestyle.
— Reggie F., The Netherlands